Scientific equipment supplier
1. Scientific equipment supplier
Scientific equipment supplier to the Western Australian scientific industry most of all we offer a dedicated team working towards helping you achieve your goals. Because servicing the Perth and wider Western Australian markets as a Scientific equipment Supplier in the fields of 1.Laboratory and Life science 2.Environmental and mining as well as 3. food and finally 4. The Oil and gas sector we have you covered. For all your Scientific equipment Supplier needs we are here to help. Laboratory scales, precision scales, filters for universities, laboratories, highly specialised.
Perth Scientific
So Supplying all of your scientific equipment contact us
2. Laboratory
Due specialising in all your laboratory equipment
3. Scientific Equipment
Because Firstly life science, secondly material science thirdly mining therefore environmental, oil and gas
4. Perth Scientific
the place for all you scientific equipment needs. our team support you right through the buying, delivery, installation, maintenance and training process.
5. Perth Laboratory Equipment
Your Partners In Science
Established in August 2011, Scientific Partners Australia Pty Ltd is a Perth based company supplying laboratory chemicals, instrumentation and consumables. We are passionate about science and assisting the scientific community in achieving their goals. Our aim is to work together with our customers and suppliers to be “your partner in science”.
Your Partners In Science
Established in August 2011, Scientific Partners Australia Pty Ltd is a Perth based company supplying laboratory chemicals, instrumentation and filtration products. We are passionate about science and assisting the scientific community in achieving their goals. Actively engaged in organising seminars, product demonstrations and workshops we are committed to our customers. Our aim is to work together with our customers and suppliers to be “your partner in science”.
Agencies we Represent in Western Australia

“At Scientific Partners Australia, both individually and collectively we are committed to complete customer satisfaction, achieved through our long standing customer and supplier relations, based on an open and honest approach.”
"Through a collaborative approach we value customer and supplier relationships, aiming to provide solutions to problems, providing continuous improvement, networking, value adding therefore being your partner in science."
Ensure the companies you deal with are equipped to deal with you in a professional manner with a proven track record. Read more here

Acid Hydrolysis Systems | Flash Chromatography | Overhead Stirrers |
Acid Purification Systems | Flash Point Testers | Parallel Synthesis |
Aggregometers, Platelet | Flocculators | Particle Counters |
Alkanity Meters | Flow Injection Analysers | PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR |
Anaerobic Workstations | Fluorescence Spectroscopy | Peristaltic Pumps |
Animal Change Cage Cabinets | Foetal Calf Serum | pH Buffers & Standards |
Anthropological Instruments (GPM) | Freeze Dryers | pH Meters & Electrodes |
Arc/Spark OES | Freezers, Laboratory | Photometers (Portable & Benchtop) |
Asbestos Safety Cabinets | Freezers, Racks/Boxes | Physical Properties of Fuels, Lubricants & Materials |
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) | Freezers, Ultra Low Temp (-86C) | Pipette Accuracy Testers |
Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (AFS) | Fridges, Laboratory | Pipette Tips |
Autoclaves & Steam Sterilizers | FT-IR | Pipettes (Manual & Electronic) |
Balances & Scales, Laboratory | Fuel & Oil Analysis | Pipetting Aids |
Biological Safety Cabinets, Class II | Fuel Lubricity & Wear Testing | Powder Containment Cabinets |
Bioreactors, Cell Culture | Fume Cupboards | Purge & Trap (GC/GC-MS) |
Block Digestion Systems | Gas Generators (H2, N2, Zero Air) | Pyrolyzers (GC/GC-MS) |
BOD/COD Analysers, Consumables | GC, GCMS, GCMS-MS (TOF) | Reagents: |
Cabinets, Climatic | Gel Documentation Systems | • cDNA Synthesis |
Calibration Masses | Gel Electrophoresis | • CRISPR Cas9 Genome Editing |
Calorimetry | Glassware Cleaning System | • Epigenetics/ ChIP |
Cell Homogenisers | Gloveboxes | • Inducible Expression/ Viral Expression |
Centrifugal Devices | Headspace/Trap (GC/GC-MS) | • Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) |
Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator | Heating Mantles | • Protein Purification/Expression, Interaction |
Centrifuges (Mini, Benchtop, Ultra) | Histology Products | • qPCR |
Chemical Reactors | Homogenizers, Ultrasonic | • Transfection |
Chemicals, Chromatography | Hotblock/Digestion | Refractometers |
Chemicals, Lab & Research | Hotplates, Hotplate Stirrers | Rotary Evaporators |
Chlorine Analysis in Hydrocarbons | HPLC, LCMS, UHPLC | Rotary Mixers |
Chromatography Columns | Hybridization Ovens | Safety Storage Cabinets |
Chromatography Consumables | Hydride Metals Analysers (Lab) | Shaking Incubators |
Circulation Chillers (Heating, Cooling) | Hydride Metals Analysers (Online) | Solvent Purification Systems |
Climatic Cabinets | Hyphenated Technologies | Sonicators |
Cloud Point, Pour Point, Freeze Point Analysers | Ice Machines | Speciation (Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium, Antinomy) |
CO2 Incubators | ICP-MS, ICP-OES | Specific Ion Meters/Electrodes |
Colony Counters | Incubators | Standards (AAS, IC, ICP, ICP-MS) |
Colorimeters (Lovibond®) | Ion Chromatography | Sulphur Analysis in Hydrocarbons |
Colour Measurement | Isolators (Glove) | Syringe Filters |
Conductivity Meters & Standards | Karl Fischer Moisture Titration | Syringe Pumps (High Pressure) |
Consumables & Accessories | Kjeldahl Digestion Systems | TDS/Salinity Meters |
Cryogenic Tanks/Dewars | Kjeldahl Distillation & Titration | Thermal Conductivity Analysers |
Cyanide Distillation & Analysis | Laminar Flow Cabinets | Thermal Desorption (GC/GC-MS) |
Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets | Leak Detection Systems | Thermogravimetric Analysers (TGA) |
Differential Scanning Calorimetry | Liquid Handling Robotics | Thermoregulators |
Dispensers, Bottle-Top | Liquid N2 Containers | Thermocyclers (Gradient, Non-Gradient) |
Disposable Plastics | Magnetic Stirrers | Titrator, Automatic & Manual |
Dissolved Oxygen Meters | Melting Point Apparatus | TOC Analysers |
Distillation | Mercury Analysers (Lab) | Transilluminators |
DMA & TMA Analysis | Mercury Analysers (Online) | Triple Quad: GC-MS; LC-MS |
DNA/RNA Extraction/Purification kits | Microfluidics (LabChip) | Turbidity Meters |
Dry Block Heaters | Microplates | Ultrasonic Baths |
Dumas Nitrogen (Protein) Analysers | Microscopes (Brightfield, Inverted Phase, Fluorescence) | UV/VIS Spectrophotometers & Cuvettes |
Elemental Analysers (CNS, Cl) | Microscopy Disposables | Vacuum Filtration Devices |
ELISA Kits – Infectious Diseases, CFT Reagents | Microwave Digestion & Extraction | Vacuum Pumps, Laboratory |
Endotoxin/Glucan Detection | Microwave Ashing Furnace | Vapour Pressure Testers |
Evaporation Manifolds (Nitrogen) | Microwave Synthesis | Viscosity, Viscosity Baths |
Fat Extraction (Automated Soxhlet) | Mixers & Shakers | Vortex Mixers |
Fermentation & Cell Culture Systems | Moisture Analysers | Water Activity Meters |
Fibre Analysers | Multi-parameter Titration Systems (pH/EC/Alkalinity/Turbidity) | Water Baths |
Filter Funnels & Manifolds | Nitrogen & Sulphur Analysers | Water Purification & Stills |
Filter Holders | Nitrogen/Protein Analysis (DUMAS) | Western Blotting |
Filter Plates | Oil & Grease Testing | XRF |
Filtration Media | Ovens & Furnaces |